
Pro-tip: How to increase your industrial air compressor’s life expectancy

The price of an air compressor and its operating costs can come up to a lot of money. Understandably, you’d want to maximize your investment and not retire or replace it prematurely. While industrial air compressors have an average lifespan of 15 to 25 years more or less, there are ways you can beat the odds.

Several factors contribute to the wear and tear of industrial air compressors. These include the type of air compressor you have, how often you use them, as well as their working conditions and maintenance.

Below are the estimated life expectancies of different types of air compressors:

What shortens the life expectancy of industrial air compressors?

It goes without saying that industrial air compressors can be broken if you don’t use, maintain, and store them the right way.

Here are the most critical causes that shorten the longevity of air compressors:

  • Low-quality oil
    Using the wrong grade of oil reduces your air compressor’s ability to function while stale oil can contribute to the corrosion of its metal components.
  • Contamination
    Dust and debris that are not filtered out before entering the air compressor not only compromise the quality of pressurized air it produces but also build up and cause chemical changes or blockages in your unit.
  • Improper storage and cooling
    Air compressors are prone to overheating and so you must pay attention to their cooling mechanism and them in a well-ventilated space. Also, store air compressors in a place that does not collect too much dust or grime to prevent contamination.
  • Frequent start/stop
    Starting and stopping your air compressor frequently will increase the power consumption your air compressor needs to operate and reduce its efficiency in the long run.

How to increase the life expectancy of industrial air compressors?

The best way you can increase the life expectancy of your industrial air compressor is to have it properly serviced and maintained regularly. Plus, you’d also be able to avoid common air compressor problems.

Follow these eight maintenance tips to keep your air compressor in tip-top shape in terms of longevity, productivity, and cost efficiency.

  1. Monitor oil levels
    The only time you can skip monitoring oil levels is when you have an oil-free air compressor. Otherwise, do so once a day or before each use, and make sure it is filled halfway through or within the center mark of your gauge.
  2. Change filters
    Air compressors can pick up dust and particles floating in the air of the surrounding environment as it draws in moisture and air. It is the filter’s job to prevent any debris from getting lodged inside the air compressor. That said, you are advised to change the air filter once a week or when you notice it filling up.If you own an oil-lubricated air compressor, it is just as crucial to replace the oil filter regularly as it also collects debris. The instructions for changing oil filters may vary per model so you are always advised to consult your air compressor’s operating manual to do it safely and correctly.
  3. Keep track of the temperature
    Air compressors perform best at a specific temperature range which is outlined by the manufacturer in the operating manual. Being aware of its working temperature will help you avoid overheating issues.Thankfully most air compressors have an automatic shutdown system that is programmed to turn off your machine when it reaches a certain high temperature. All you really have to do is test and observe if the shutdown feature is functioning normally once in a while.
  4. Tighten loose bolts and parts
    Screws and bolts may come loose due to the vibrations produced by an air compressor. Inspect your air compressor every month and tighten fasteners and/or other components that are not properly fitted.
  5. Drain moisture
    Air compressors suck in outside air and deposit the moisture from the air in a receiver tank. Failing to drain moisture or liquid from the tank can give rise to rust and corrosion damaging your unit. Make it a habit to wipe the moisture off your air compressor as well.
  6. Pay attention to air quality
    To stay on top of contamination and prevent botching the job you’re doing, routinely assess the airlines and filters to be certain it is not constricted by fluid or corrosion.
  7. Check for leaks
    Hoses and valves can get cracked or damaged over time. Watch out for signs of leakage such as reduced air pressure and an increase in power consumption to overcompensate for lost air. Being able to detect leakage by searching vulnerable parts for holes will allow you to replace or repair them before it leads to detrimental equipment damage.
  8. Repair issues as you encounter them
    Do not delay repairs as minor as they may be since it could become a bigger problem that is harder and more costly to fix down the road. Again, refer to and familiarize yourself with your air compressor’s operating manual to know how to troubleshoot and keep it running smoothly.

When to call a professional

Sometimes routine maintenance is not enough. Do not hesitate to call a professional or technician to help you diagnose the issue if malfunctions are happening more often than usual.

It could be beneficial to call a professional for the following reasons:

  1. Safety inspection
    It is recommended that you have your air compressor serviced periodically to be thoroughly examined for rust, corrosion, leaks, tears, electrical issues, or faulty gauges that may be overlooked by someone without a trained eye.
  2. Drops in pressure
    Significant drops in pressure can be an indication of a blockage or leak within the air compressor. Since air compressors can function even when pressure is lost, it would be better to have an experienced technician take a look and repair the issue in a timely manner to lessen the risk of expensive repairs.
  3. Complex repairs
    Calling a professional to check your air compressor assured you that all the necessary repairs are being done right. Moreover, they’d be able to suggest if it would be cheaper for you to replace rather than repair your air compressor.

The ultimate pro tip to increase your industrial air compressor’s life expectancy is to properly use and maintain them. It is ideal for you to perform routine checks on your air compressor machine parts to know when a component needs to be replaced. Knowing when to have your air compressor serviced by professionals can also help you save on costly repairs. Whether you need to replace a part or an entire unit, be sure to get them from a reputable air compressor supplier Singapore in Singapore.